Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Working the Phones

I worked the phones today, calling: nephrology no less than half a dozen times, orthopedic surgery 2x, GI 2x, primary insurance, secondary insurance 3x, infusion company, nursing company 5x, kindermusik teacher, music together teacher, children's boston billing, appliance guys for dishwasher and fridge, salon for hair appt, Bo's godfather for update, my parents, my sister and returning other calls. These are 2 of a 3 part series.

we see the "real doctor" tomorrow, as we only saw his resident in the ER on Saturday.

1 comment:

Nanimal said...

ha... oh my goodness, him looking up and trucking along is cracking me up. Here's hoping he's trucking again very quickly. I'll pray for some fast and accurate leg healing.