Bo models his SuperHero Frubi's in anticipation of sunnier days.
Our first non-medical trip was a great success. Bo was an inspiring addition to the Oley Foundation's regional conference, he crashed the APSPEN professional conference, and attended a GSB alumni brunch! He did have a virus that made him gag and retch with nausea (and his mommie very anxious) at night, and we drove home in a white-out, but we got home in time to hook him up, and we even got to squeeze in a visit with his favorite docs from Boston, Drs Gura and Puder! They agree with Nurse Kathy that Doc Cloney is doing a fine job with his weight; not too skinny, not bloated with TPN. And he even said Puder! Well, it came out as, "puh-puh-puh." But he has the right idea.
Once again, Tio Ren and Auntie Jennie provided invaluable help getting us both settled in and packed up, as well as general Bo-duty.
Medical update: He weighed in this morning at 14.78lbs, and his labs have been reduced from weekly to biweekly! I have mixed feelings about this, as we love being able to consult with our rockin' visiting nurse weekly, but the reduction of draws means a reduction of opportunity for his line to get contaminated, and it also means that his GI thinks he's stable enough to not need to see weekly lab data.