Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Mystery Lab Results = Hosptial Admission

The good news: Bo's bilirubin continues to drop, evidence that his liver is healing and actually in the normal range. The bad news: his white blood cell count is very high, so we have to get him admitted tonight to start antibiotics and get a blood culture in case he has a line infection (we'll probably be in-patient at least 3 days). The weird news: his CRP level is normal; this number indicates inflammation, and if Bo had an infection, it should be elevated, but currently is not.
This is a picture of our local hospital, it is literally a mile and a half down a hill from our house. And 2 of the 3 pediatric surgeons on staff here trained at Boston Childrens, the rock star hospital that saved Bo's life. So we feel very safe going here. That doesn't change the fact that hospital food is still hospital food, and that we will have to wake Bo up from his night time sleep and invariably keep him up way past his bedtime, after an already long day that did not include a proper late afternoon nap.