Bo was born on 6/3/07 with the rare congenital disorder currently known as Microvillous (Microvillus) Inclusion Disease. It took 2 hospitals and 5 weeks to diagnose. He became the 61st baby in the US to receive Omegaven. His nutrition is 100% TPN/Omegaven. We believe there will be a cure for this in our lifetime, and that a transplant is NOT the best option for this disease. This is our story.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Brush teeth 2x/day?!
No pants strikes again. Sometimes buns get a little chappy, and there's nothing like a little "wild and free" time to cure what ails. Plus, who doesn't love squeezing baby buns?
woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! naked babies unite!!!! lol
pants free is a great way to live! and ack, love those cheeks (both kinds :)
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