Bo was born on 6/3/07 with the rare congenital disorder currently known as Microvillous (Microvillus) Inclusion Disease. It took 2 hospitals and 5 weeks to diagnose. He became the 61st baby in the US to receive Omegaven. His nutrition is 100% TPN/Omegaven. We believe there will be a cure for this in our lifetime, and that a transplant is NOT the best option for this disease. This is our story.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
No More Fever
Must've been a cold. He's still getting too much fluid, by my estimation. But that's way better than not enough. He's a little puffy.
But no more fever, and his antibiotics end today, so that should make his output decrease and his butt feel better.
so good to hear!
oh my lordy he is so cute. smmoooosh ssmooosh muah!!
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