Bo was born on 6/3/07 with the rare congenital disorder currently known as Microvillous (Microvillus) Inclusion Disease. It took 2 hospitals and 5 weeks to diagnose. He became the 61st baby in the US to receive Omegaven. His nutrition is 100% TPN/Omegaven. We believe there will be a cure for this in our lifetime, and that a transplant is NOT the best option for this disease. This is our story.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
Sitting Up!
And, so far, so good. We've had lots of visitors and done lots of visiting and Bo seems to be in the pink after all that pink eye fuss was over. In fact, I think he's starting to gain weight again. He had only gained a pound in the 7 weeks we've been back. I'm sure his weight-gain was stalled by his viral infection, the subsequent dehyration and recovery, as well as the pink eye.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Omegaven's first Christmas in Michigan
61 - Bo is the 61st baby on Omegaven
3- the number of home infusion companies we've had
4- the number of hospitals Bo had been treated
2- the number of GI specialists Bo has had
1- the number of visiting nurses
1- line infections
4- hospitalizations
2- other MID kids we've met
0- other babies on Omegaven in Michigan
5- blood transfusions before Omegaven (0- after)
Saturday, December 22, 2007
What Pink Eye?
I'm hoping that since Bo's had a stomach virus, pink eye and bonus hospitalizations that we've gotten all his winter illnesses out of the way. The eye is much better. It responded almost immediately to the eye drops. Unfortunately, he has to have them 4x/day through Wednesday. At least this is an infection that doesn't require a stay at the Bronson Inn.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Pink Eye?
Like a friend of mine (fighting cancer) said, it is surprising the friends who become indispensible and those who disappear; the acquaintences who become family and the close friends who stop returning your calls. All the heartache? Worth it. See picture.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Our Second Stay at The Bronson Inn
Sunday, December 9, 2007
The Scholar
Friday, December 7, 2007
Thanksgiving at Binnslandia
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Boo Boo's Bear Suit
Monday, December 3, 2007
UTI, Psych!
Bo and his abuelito (grandfather), pictured to the left. We are waiting for another visit, soon.
Turns out that the UTI thought doesn't explain the numbers. We were sprung from the hoosegow, Friday (sorry for the blog delay, but it always takes me a couple days to shake that creepy no-day/no-night hospital feeling; like Vegas, but a lot less fun and a lot less good food). The only numbers out of whack were the white blood cells (WBC), and without any fever, any indication of inflammation, and the WBC dropping all on its own, our doc DC'd (which means discontinued, for those not in the "know"), the antibiotics. The surmise is an asymptomatic virus was hanging around. Okay with me. Those drugs made Bo nauseated and groggy.
They upped his calorie count in his TPN (IV feeding) and he's already gained almost half a pound! His knees got chubby almost over night. He's been burning way more calories than before, as he's gotten so active: rolling from side to side, practicing sitting up, reaching for and lifting rattles, practicing standing (with help from mommy). As a result, he had lost weight the week before that (I was alarmed).