Thursday, February 24, 2011

More Todays

When Bo was a baby, we watched and weighed every ounce he gained. I agonized over every milestone, dreading each month and each milestone that slipped or squeaked by. Looking back, I remember spending way more time soothing him to sleep than I should have. Aching feet, peaceful baby, lullabies and the sun fading in the window. I savored those moments, knowing there would not necessarily be many more. But still wishing away those baby days, wishing him to grow up. Just grow up. Don't leave us with just your baby words. I need to know you better before you go. And now he is a big boy.

And then there was Ahn. She has grown so fast that I can't believe how heavy and tall she already is. I barely remember her being a baby. She is as big at 8 months as Bo was at 16 months. Baby Ahn stood up for the first time yesterday.

The day before that, I walked into her room in the morning to feed her and she said, "EAT!" No mistaking the word. First, dadada, then momomomomom, next EAT and finally, yesterday, she said, "Bo!"


jdanel said...

I can already tell that Ahn is going to be an awesome sister. Bo is very lucky!

sunnywave said...

looooove these pictures!!!! ooh, get ready for the bumpers and the padding and...oh wait, we never did baby proof our house for ladybug! put on your racing shoes and be ready to run after her! lol.
