I've had trouble writing anything lately. Shortly after my last post, we had a sudden death in the family, and the ominous foreshadowing of that missive contained all the emotions I would have included anyway. We went to the East side of the state to be there for the bereaved. Not that there is anything I can say to take the bewildering absence away. In fact, I'm sure I said a lot of things that were the opposite of helpful, but with the best intentions. I'm not so good at the "shut-up" part of consoling. Hopefully Bo's cheerful demeanor and charm were a source of solace, if not distraction.
We were able to make it out there with a wagon full of medical supplies and still forget a few essential things: power strip, enough saline flushes, paper tape, enough heparin, germex, detachol. We were able to supplement or replace what we had forgotten at the local pharmacies, and have an additional delivery from our infusion company. Additional, because we had our week's supplies sent there, before we called for the additional stuff we forgot to ask for. Oops. Luckily, this location was actually a good hour and a half closer to them than our house, so they were able to oblige promptly and with little complaint.
Whereas the odds of a crisis arising for Bo would certainly have been higher than this particular incident, I can't say that facing all this during Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter felt anything less than putting too fine a point on an essentially human condition. That this life is one destined for and designed to encompass death and dying, healing and rising, rebirth and hope in the face of cruelty and pain. Miracles despite, and really because of, the travails that we face on our paths full of stones and roots, predators and pain. The hope for sunshine, the succor of a light rain, the reinvention of life itself. And we keep walking. Partly out of hope, partly entitlement, partly out of lack of anything better to do.
And turning the prism of that drive to move forward in my hands I can see sunlight streaming through this notion of entitlement, changing it, reshaping it into its refined self: faith. Faith that there is a tomorrow. Faith that there will be something better for Bo. Faith that I am the recipient of unconditional love and adoration. Faith that I can be the source of unconditional love and adoration. Faith that this love will drive us to be better than our basest selves, and do better and live better and help better. Hope. Love.
Faith, hope and love. And the greatest of these is Love.