Sunday, August 24, 2008

6pm labs

Potassium is coming down nicely, but his bicarb has been low this whole weekend. Which is funny because it was high all week beforehand, and high when he was admitted. Another draw in the morning and hopefully at some point he pees for the urine electrolytes analysis. Jose will protect the baby's sleep and I will go home to cats to prepare for work.

The Long Road Home

Looks like a long weekend here. Bo got admitted Friday night with low potassium. They overshot the mark, and now it's too high. He will have labs drawn at 6pm and 6am with the hopes that it will have stabilized within the normal range. But meanwhile he's been off his Omegaven and TPN since Friday night. I fought to keep the Omegaven Friday, but he's been off everything since last night and I think he's getting hungry. But they don't want to restart the TPN and lipids until they are sure of their calculations for the amount of potassium and sodium acetate to be added to his formulation. He had a three hour nap and still looked strung out. Now, 2 hours after waking, he's napping again. I'll ask them to run blood sugar too at the 6pm lab draw.

I would like it very much if someone could please just shoot me, now.

A gramma in the playroom told me that she thought Bo was 6-7 months old and would never have guessed that he was 14 months old. I felt like such a loser. "But," I kept thinking, "his outfit says 12 months!" What is wrong with me? Yeah, cuz my very next thought was, "um, you're here because your grandson's face got nearly bit off by a pitbull." Nice. I should probably go to mass tonight and ask for a little more grace in my heart.