Thursday, March 6, 2008

Three's a Charm

We think Bo passed his last of 3 kidney stones last night. He was pretty upset, but we were prepared. A small dose of Tordol and extra fluids seemed to hasten the process from several days to one. So, he had his IV nutrition (aka TPN), his lipids (the Omegaven that saved his life), and the lactated ringers (extra fluids) which meant that we had a triple splitter (Y-connector) hooked up to his catheter. The triple splitters we have are pretty cheap; made of thin plastic, so whenever he rolled over, it would clamp itself off and all three pumps would start alarming.
So we didn't get very good quality sleep last night. But it was still a hundred times better than waking up to him gagging, choking and retching. And we only had one night of this, rather than the 4-6 days the other two stones took.
Bo actually slept through all those pumps beeping. I guess he's used to it from all the nights he's spent in the hospital. He woke up in great spirits today and was so happy and cheerful all day. He is such a great guy!


heathre said...

just the picture i need to start my friday off right. those CHEEKS!!! give bo a big smooch for me :)

Unknown said...

Anyway to confirm that it's gone without another ultrasound? If its true thats a huge relief; to have those out. What a Cheekerton. Sounds like he could himself BE the new literature on proper TPN administration for infants and on. Jennie and I talked about him and wearing the back pack once he's walking, it'll be cool, even if tough at first.

Robin Danely said...

those are some Velarde cheeks, I gotta say...

jennie said...

I keep falling off my chair looking at those cheeks!