Thursday, February 21, 2008

Lunar Eclipse Madness

Bo has been acting annoyed and whiney all day. He only took a few very short naps (read: not enough day-time sleep), and then yelped out each time I put him down (that would be 4 times) for the night. Usually he has 3.5-4 solid hours of napping during the day, and goes down like a box of rocks by bedtime (under 10 minutes of soothing between 6:15pm and 7pm).
I realized that the source of all this angst is the extra darkness from the total lunar eclipse. He thinks wolves will sneak into the house and spirit him away, and that they will get away with it under cover of the extra darkness. Thankfully, these lunar events only happen every 3 years.
PS the wolves did not make it into the house


sunnywave said...

oh girl, i hear you about the lunar eclipse--it has been freaky weird here all day. luckily the squirrel's in bed and i'm about to call it a night, too!!! i LOVE this picture of BO...this is an expression i look forward to seeing every time i cruise the bo updates... oh i just love his squishiness!!! mmmmmm....good! xoxoxox

jennie said...

it makes my day to click over here and see a new picture! I just want to smother him with kisses. Thank you so much for sharing!!

Nanimal said...

hey, yeah - the whole family got the 24 hr flu for the eclipse. we were up all night. I knew about the eclips and then forgot about it. I'm glad Heath took some pictures. I caught the last one... guess another 3 years??? Is it really that long? Next time you can take Bo out to look at it. I love sharing the mysteries of the world with the kids. Get to see all for the first time again.