Monday, February 18, 2008

Debunking the Parenting Myth: not really reading it

It's only been a few short months since Mr. Squishy was born (thanks, nanimal!), but it seem like... well, I can't tell you what the last eight months were like, because I hardly remember.
And I feel like a heel, but to those of you I haven't spoken to since before the baby was born, I really do miss you, I might even be mad that I haven't heard from you, but I also can't remember the last time I tried calling someone (I'm changing a diaper/putting him down/waiting for him to wake/preparing a bottle/too tired to find my phone/found my phone and it's now midnight). So we can call it even. Except now, I have memorized the content of 30+ board books and have started improvising. I can change a diaper in complete darkness, as well as hook the baby up to his IV under the same circumstances.
He tried his second solid food today, avocado! And had his Omegaven bumped up. His TPN calories will get a bump tomorrow, and we will get a new weight/height measurement next week. None of the doctors seem overly concerned about the stone, as unusual as it is. But we will plan on getting an ultrasound done soon (maybe in March) to see if there are more to expect.


heathre said...

The streets of portland were calling Bo's name today :)

Unknown said...

Hmm, seems odd. though he did miraculously well, it seems strange to have one in such a short period and since his only intake is by the lines it seems like it would have to be formula related, and easier traced than something originating from oral feeding. Guess it'll say more when analysis says if it was a block of Tofu or a fish stick.