Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Other Experience

Bo was our first child, so a typical child like Ahn is like having a first baby experience all over again. So many things we never dealt with: food in the hair, putting things in the mouth constantly, trying new foods by the bowl, using the stick blender.

Today, Ahn started smacking her lips. Her made-up sign language for "Solid Food!" So I popped her into the Bumbo and started shoveling blended green peas into her mouth. She had peas all over her cheeks, chin, hands (from sucking thumbs while eating- we have to roll her sleeves up!), and a runny nose (thank you Winter). Between bites she made the sign for Eat. Yes, I know. Then when the peas got too thick, she signed for milk! Then more Eat. Smart girl. Then, she signed, All Done. And with eye and nose rub, the natural sign for "sleepy," we went upstairs. And she went right to sleep.

And now, it's my turn. Good night.


Nanimal said...

this made me smile... messy little Ahn.

sunnywave said...! love that she loves peas. very brave!
