Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Four Seasons

My husband would rather not see winter again, ever. Or Fall or Spring. Me, I'm a Michigander. And while I can appreciate the marvels of nature in the Southwest, the Grand Canyon, the oceans, the deserts and the redwoods, I get a kind of peace here that has remained unmatched. I love the confetti of color the falling leaves make as the trees turn colors. I love the smell of earth and minerals when the spring showers quench the flowers. And I do, I love the quiet when the world is coated in a blanket of snow. I look out of the bathroom window onto the street. So quiet, even with cars shushing by. The tree limbs hanging their down around the house. I can't wait. I know it will be a long, cold season. And it does grow tiresome when it's muddy and cold as far into the year as April. But even three months of quiet, dazzling snow. Cold weather keeps Bo more stable (less likely to dehydrate), and so I look forward to the freeze as Bo's springtime.


sunnywave said...

*heart* i'm proud to be a displaced michigander! whenever i see the 'go blue' license plates out here, i get a little teary.


David Sexton said...

This was a beautiful post.

Anonymous said...

This is Eve, one of Tung's friends from EW. I came across your blog when viewing Tung's wedding pictures last year, and I look in on it periodically.

I want you to know that I totally salute your open-hearted commitment to the rigorous spiritual practice that has been laid out for you (that is to say: YOUR EVERYDAY LIFE). I find it inspiring.

And you are a great writer, too.

So someone you met once more than 20 years ago keeps you and your family in her thoughts...