Friday, February 19, 2010

Week 22

The Baby Present is more than half-baked!

Housekeeping: I'm moderating comments now as someone's spambot found blogger, and I unlocked those videos in the last post. I'm not the most technology-loving person and I wasn't sure how to do it. But it's done. Also, I don't think there's a solution to the blogger layout cutting off the right side of the video, so if you want to see the full frame, you'll have to click the link in the vid after it's done to go to vimeo and see the whole thing.



Nanimal said...

man. he is seriously so.damn.cute.

sunnywave said...

seriously! love our little man!!!!

p.s. i had to moderate, too--got some weird spambot leaving random links to pages in china...??