Monday, July 7, 2008

Bo Takes St. Toms

Okay, this is cheating, I know. But I haven't gotten around to uploading the million pix from the weekend's festivities. I just wanted to say what a great weekend we had, how wonderful it was to see new and old friends, given and chosen family, neighbors, mentors and other babies.
And when I went to mass yesterday, I met the family that Father Ken spoke of in the first homily I heard him deliver. He had talked about visiting them in New England, where they had gone to get treatment for their son who had a medically rare condition. He had gone to sit with their son so that the parents could leave the hospital for a few nights. This story resonated so deeply with me, I was shaking. I knew that I had found my parish home then and there .
So when I met them yesterday, I couldn't stop crying, not the least because they are still grieving the loss of their youngest family member.

1 comment:

sunnywave said...

i am so sorry for the loss of your friends--the greatest loss to ever be imagined. and while i sit here 10,000 miles away deeply saddened and moved, i can only think the enormity of it all is 10,000 times more felt where you are. we love you and our hearts and prayers are with you, and thank the stars that you are in our life--distant from our sight, but always close in our thoughts.