Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Woefully Unprepared

Unprepared for walking, unprepared for talking, unprepared for life as a one year old. That's us, not him. Riding the razor's edge between gratitude and morbidity, cringing at taking this life forgranted, I never got around to buying anything for a child over the age of one.
Thankfully, we received a kickin' Britax to replace the infant car seat, when Bo ever gets over 22lbs (in another 2 months? he only weighed in at 19.66lbs Monday). And now that he has the world's most extensive baby board book library (thank you, aunties and uncles!), I don't have to fall asleep chanting, "left foot, left foot, right foot, right."
But I think I have to buy him clothes that fit. T-shirts, shorts and bigger pageboy hats. Shoes? Baby gates for the stairs? All that work to get him to one, and now I'm sort of at a loss. Do we live happily ever after, or continue to live in the shadow of fear? Cautiously joyful and sparingly foolhardy, we awaken to a new day with our new best friend, cooing and laughing, grabbing his chubby toes.


sunnywave said...

i just went back through the archives, kinn, of the entries from last october and am sitting here with tears of joy and fear and love all wrapped up together--so awed at the miracle of bo and the way you have pulled together as a family. is it wrong to hope that one day our children will swim in the ocean together? we love you guys so much. sunnywave, the squirrel, and b.d.

Unknown said...

would it be too redundant to say thats a cute picture? After coming this far in this kind of health, I'd say it'd be stranger if he didn't thrive. seems like they always told you the most fragile times were under 1 yr and thats come and gone. I'm also really glad it wasn't a hospital birthday either, he's really got a fantastic outlook. Sweet, more toys, more books to look for.