Friday, April 4, 2008

Happy 10 Month Birthday!

Bo's back up to the weight he was before that last stone, and finally, for the first time since, hasn't been so nauseated that he's woken up in the middle of the night. So he slept soundly through the night, through a diaper change, and everything. I'm hoping that this is the turning point where he starts eating and keeping things down. He gets along with Miss Colleen, and so do Jose and I. Sunday, we train/interview Miss Judy.


heathre said...

happy 10th months Bo!!!

Jaime said...

I was just sent your blog to check out. I have a 2yr. old that has been on TPN since he was 9 months old and we are now having issues from it. We are trying to get into Boston Children's for the Omegaven study. I would love to connect with you as I am sure you are a huge wealth of info! Please visit Ian's site at

~Jaime Dustan

sunnywave said...

happy 10 months!!! ooh i love love love your cheeks!! xoxoxoxo