Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Calling All Grammas

He was screeching when Gramma Maggie came to visit today. Pictured left: before he learned to screech, during a visit with Granny Holmes. I hope Bo's apparent rudeness didn't scare Gramma M away for another month! He does love him his grandmas, he just also loves to talk loudly (yes, a Chan, we know).

Also, I've been madly weeding out all the scary-toxic baby products in the house. Who knew this stuff was toxic?! http://cosmeticsdatabase.com/browse.php?maincat=babycare&nothanks=1
yikes. I am that crazy mommie.


heathre said...

Gramma Maggie is tough - she won't let a little screeching scare her away :) xoxo

Nanimal said...

I laughed at the irradication of stuff. I have become that person who cleans her floors with vinegar worried that my kids or someone elses (a visitor) will LICK the floor? who knows? anything can happen. Better to just get rid of it all. lol. God knows I don't want to worry about it - I want to be footloose and fancy free.

Finn actually cleans our bathtub and walls - he LOVES to do it *sigh, that won't last*(with his little squirter of mostly water and a dash of antibacterial dish soap. The walls maybe don't glisten with cleanness - but I also don't worry that there is some strange chemical going up their rear (sorry - graphic) that I didn't fully rinse off - during bathtime.

priorities and how they suddenly *BAM* shift...