Friday, January 25, 2008

All Text Update

Apologies to all Bo fans everywhere, but I haven't had a chance to upload new pix, so you just get text today. All the drs visits went well and without incident, thank goodness. Bo was showing off for Dr. Page (pediatrician), and sitting up like a big boy. Then with Dr. Cloney (GI) he was talking and talking with his new favorite words, "dadadadada, brrrrrrrrr (big saliva-y raspberry), dadadananana, yeeeeeeeee!" Since we got approved for 180 hrs of respite care through the end of August, we are going on our first nurse-supported date tonight! Thank you, State of Michigan, Department of Community Health!


heathre said...

great news kinn - and have a fab time on your date :)

Nanimal said...

booo hissss... no Bo photo.

great news, though, hope you had fun on date night. Chris and I went on date night last night. to a book store to have coffee and read magazines and chat. Funny how just having a conversation with eachother can become a luxury.